Monday, February 6, 2012

"The Keeping Season"

I can't remember how that stain got there.  Was it when Jeff brought me breakfast in bed two Valentine's ago.  Or was it when Marne, our golden lab, couldn't quite hold it until we placed her out into the backyard.  Whatever it is won't come up, just like certain memories.  Some things won't go away so easy.  "Jeff, Jeff! Dear, please get three more boxes.  The frames, pillows, linens, covers and blankets still need packaging."  "Suzanna, what do you need?"  " I said please get me three more large boxes.  There is a little more that needs to be stored."  "Shawn, I'm looking  for three more boxes!"  "Just picked up more from behind CVS.  They are in the garage." "Thanks son!" 
      Being seventeen means I'm always one step ahead of everyone, 'specially if they are over forty.  So I think.  "Dammit!"  There's got to be an easier way to pull nails out of walls.  'Little Dodgers' league championship team photo.  I still miss 'ya Charles Luker!  You will always be my best catcher, regardless of any summer vacation travel accident taking you 'way from me.  Jessica Murphy!  I place you in this box only to give you a brighter wall to place you on in my parent's new home,  one that matches your smile. I will never forget that time in eight grade when Kathryn Alder told me no when I asked her to the 'Santa's Cane' Christmas dance.  Boy! how I wanted to sit at home and mope.  But you knocked on my door and came into my room even when I protested.  Now! 'Backstreet Boys' was not, I repeat, not a good choice but you took me by the hand and we slow danced for thirty minutes straight.  Your radiant coffee colored eyes made me forget what I was missing in her baby blues.  Holding your petite body in my arms made me feel capable, manly and attractive.  That spot, yeah, that one in the corner; remember where we both cried sitting together when you announced that your father was moving to Akron.  I still honor our spot when I write poetry to Hannah.  I think you'd really like her.  We are both going to different colleges in two years.  But, I think it is really going to work.  Just like you did, she brings out all the positives I never knew I had.  I really think that we can 'buck the odds' on that whole long distance relationship thing. 
     " Stacey! I'm done in here.  Do you need the vacuum cleaner? " "Do I need what? Grooh, you are so annoying." My window, yes that same one at the end of the spot where my bed used to be.  That was when 'dummy' and one of his friends decided to continue to play baseball, even after they ran out of baseballs and fields for that matter!  Rocks, being more jagged have a more meticulous way of breaking  glass.  I will never forget that May evening four years ago when Dedad Samford passed away.  Only on clear nights would I look up at the stars and tell the angels to tell him so many things.  To tell him to never let us loose this house.  Because this was our special spot.  To tell him not to forget to kiss memom Samford 'goodnight.'  To tell him to remind me which constelation was what or when the next eclipse and so forth was to come.  Just to tell him I'm glad he with Jesus. 
     "Are you done sweatheart?"  "Yes mom! Just wanted to look outside one last time.  By the way is that North Star or Lenox?"  "I don't know Stace'  What is Lenox?" Only dedad Samford knows. It's our secret!  "Jeff!" "Yes ladybug?" Are all the hidden keys accounted for from outside?"  "Yeah, they are all on the wooden mantel, 'bove the fireplace.  It's hard to believe this is the last time we will gather as family in this den.  Some refer to their main room as their living room.  But we have always called it our den. Or most of the time it was the family court room, 'Kangaroo Court' room that is.  I remember the time we took a vote on where family vacation would be held.  Their's was Sand Destin on the Florida Gulf Coast.  Mine was Jackson Hole in Wyoming. That must have been the shortest session in Samford history.  But, severe sun burn and jellyfish stings made a revote in my favor all but assured the next summer.
      Then there was the time that 'dummy' ran out of balls and fields for that matter and batted a rock through Stace's window.  You should have seen the look on his face when we placed him into our first 'Kangaroo Court.'  We had to determine whether it was he or Todd Pearson who smashed Stacey's window.  We all knew it was he but he didn't know we knew!  'Course, I came out in a judges gown I borrowed from my old college roomate, Lex, a lawyer in town.  Mom, was prosecuting attorney as Stace' and Shawn were plantiff and defendant respectively.  Well, again that was one of the shortest court session in Samford history.  It was determined that Shawn was culpable 'fore Todd had the lowest batting average on the Dodger's, while having the highest strikeout tally.
      " Everybody ready? Come here one last time so we can have our usual 'circle prayer'.  Guys I know it will be sentimental this time and feel free to cry if you need.  Son, that goes for you to!  O.K. who wants to dial........... who wants to hang up?"  "I'll open dad!" "Thanks Stace!"
And I'll close!"  "Good son!"  "Father, please allow numerous bright moonlit nights so that the next little girl that takes my room can speak to the angels so that they can say hi to those she misses."  "Dear Heavenly Father! I pray that the next women who shares our bedroom would always be cherished and seen as beautiful.  That she would have many Valentine's with breakfast's in bed with stained floors."  "And I pray that when the next boy takes my room, that it would be a room of comfort. That when one girl breaks his heart another would be willing to sit in it's warmest corner, to show that she's in his corner.  To show that he's all the man that she will ever need."  "Father, in closing I pray for the gentleman who will lead his family.  That during all holidays, game nights and 'Kangaroo Courts' that each member of his family will understand how valued and cherished they really are.  Amen!"
     "Both attorneys, I will now call you to the bench."  I hereby rule that strip mining does not run in accord with State of Kentucky code 341-A.  Therefore the Pine Cove Subdivision cannot be removed without country referendum and vote.  Pine Cove residents, congratulations! you have just saved your neighborhood."  "Jeff, you did it!"  "No, Lex! We did it!"  "Thank you Jeff for your grassroots effort on this front. Thanks Mr. Spector!  You to Ms. Mitchell.  It was all of us!  We did this together!"  "Lex, I'll say this, that this was one of the shortest court sessions in Samford family history. By the time I woke up from my nap the judge had knocked his gavel a third time."  "I know Jeff, that things as loud as Hell!"  Amen! Lex, Amen!

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