Thursday, October 24, 2013

Idiot Lil' Halloween Love Story (Children's Version)

                    There once was a candy
                    named SUGAR DADDY
                    Who lived on a shelf.
   One day, stocked on shelf near by, was   
       a young lass named Milky Duddy (Listen people! we have all wondered at one time or another who SUGAR BABY'S mother was? No one knows for sure, so this is the most consistent theory I have-so just freakin' go with it!)
            So it was a love so gooey and sweet (Sorry again! Couldn't resist.)  But one day the stock boy took her away. (Probably due to some obnoxious and cheap Pakistani owner who did not want to pay a certain tax on that item.)  SUGAR DADDY  was downtrodden as he felt that he would never see Milky Duddy again.   But, alas- cheap Pakistani owner's visa was forged and he was shipped back to the land of car bombs and turbans. SUGAR DADDY'S hope was renewed as he knew he may be reunited with Milky  Duddy! So one day an American bought this particular shop and reintroduced Milky Duddy to the store.  SUGAR DADDY was overcome with emotion and he embraced her and stuck to her side (sorry again) never to let her go!

They soon married and had several children named "sugar babies"
They watched with pride as they all grew up and became.........................CAVITIES!

THE END (of my self respect)

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