Sunday, June 2, 2019

‘Aemulus’ 👀

Washed low into how your azure iris burns my loins

The shrill October morn-bellows a soul’s rapture 
enveloped by coffee colored warmth 

Oh, but one is quick, direct, fleeting-urgent 

The second is not second, encapsulating
lingering-abiding stamina staying

Oh, that something colored as water should burn out wick- quick

Oh, that a hue akin to red, should have such mystery as a sea

For I’m torn ‘tween two tinges, purveying a satisfactory tension 

A man haunted by two hues, who have COLORED the total man I’m to be.

This is a work of mystery for my avid readers. For months you have read pieces on travel, people, schools and things that are jabber to some. But, this right here is my gift to you. This is the riddle to my sexual personality. This is what will keep you coming back and reading this to determine which haunting siren of the soul you are to me if you are female. If you are male you may be able to relate.

The first thing that attracts me to a woman is her eyes. A blue eyed woman affects me differently than a brown eyed woman. My inner soul and my body physically reacts differently to each type. None, is better than the other. So, whichever eye color you have ladies, don’t get an ego about it. Both types do wondrous things to my body and mind, it just does it differently. Growing up and even as an adult I have waffled back and forth between having a greater taste for brown eyed and blue eyed woman, at different times due to complex emotional, social and sexual dynamics. Both types have left me heart broken, both types have made me feel I could transport to a stage of pre eternity. The eyes of a woman concerning the ‘blue & brown’ are the ying and yang to my innermost sexual seed. The blue & the brown have wrestled with each other for years. Which one will win out for a lifetime?  Secret reader, my gift to you is to leave you guessing which one it is. I don’t know yet myself! For ‘Aemulus’ means rival in Latin. It means blue eyes vs. brown eyes in my soul and body which yearns.


June 2, 2019

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