Tuesday, April 7, 2020

"Is Good Friday & Easter Really So Good?"

So I get an e-mail from my church with a challenge of sharing my faith to the world at large through social media. A mandate to testify, spiritually why I believe what I believe. A few things can go through a person's head when they are met with such an impassioned challenge.  What I want to share is not so much why I believe what I believe, I feel that will take care of itself. I'm not going to try to share why you, reader should to.  That is not fully my place and I'm fearful Christianity has done a horrific job in these politicized times, to make anything 'Christian' appear: myopic, fake, politically far right, ignorant, uncaring, critical, judging, bigoted and rejecting.  Sadly, some people who call themselves 'Christian' have displayed all of those qualities. They have used their false perspective of Christ to promote some selfish political agenda. As a matter of fact, if I did not believe what I believe I personally would not at all want anything to do with some of these 'Christians.'

Then I look at my life and see how I fall short as well:  I have trouble forgiving, at times I emphasize money and status, I'm critical, I'm lustful, I can be dishonest, I'm ungrateful, I lack faith, I've gotten drunk in the past to solve my emotional pain, I've broken minor laws in the past to get arrested and on and on and on. So, I sit here honestly wondering what I have to offer the world around me right now that would:

(1) Make it believe I'm not like every other hypocritical 'Christian' who has nothing to offer save for self righteous judgement.

(2) Allow the world to see true faith in a different light.

Reader, here is the sobering news. I cannot do a thing to make you believe in the true meaning of Easter and Good Friday.  

Although, it is my job to partly show you traits of Christ through a holy life lived in Him,  I don't have the ability to make you believe in Him.  Whewww!  I'm so glad that is the case.  Because if it was up to me to take you into a positive afterlife you'd most certainly be in trouble.  See, reader I fear now that since you know this about me you will be watching more carefully what I say, what I post online, what I listen to, what I watch etc.  Listen, as much as I try to live 'RIGHT' day to day you will still see me fall and fail.  Hopefully, as I grow in Christ more and more it will be less and less me and MORE AND MORE HIM BEING MAGNIFIED IN MY SHORTCOMINGS. So, I courageously press on here.

CHRIST is the one who knocks at your door to take you to an afterlife that deletes all the pains you will experience here on earth.  He will even be a source of comfort for when you are experiencing them in the here and now.  He knocked on my door and I finally opened it on July 18th 1990 in Fort Walton Beach, FL. at a youth camp called BREAKAWAY.  Each year I celebrate two birthdays.  My biological birthday May 29th and my spiritual birthday July 18th.  I treat them the same and even have dinner and a birthday cake with friends each July 18th.  I was physically born in Gadsden, AL. and spiritually born in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. When we look around in the world most all religions have a rigorous set of rules, mantras, creeds and things YOU have to do to find: peace, eternity, fulfillment, acceptance, enlightenment, clarity etc.  The amazing thing about Christ is that you have to simply believe:  HE DIED ON THE CROSS FOR YOUR SINS AND REPENT OF THOSE SINS. (remember- don't worry you will still sin, you will just have someone who you can come to to wash them clean each time out through confession)  A moment ago I shared with you why people don't want to believe in Christ.  That being, because, people who call themselves His followers constantly let the world down.  That is a valid reason.  But, another primary one is that just BELIEVING SOMETHING SOUNDS TOO SIMPLE.  It sounds too 'elementary school' folklore. We are taught that we live in a world where 'nothing good comes easy, unless we work hard to obtain it.  It stands to reason for some that SOMETHING SO SPLENDID (I.E. eternity in Heaven with Christ and loved ones gone before and peace here on earth) has to take work, has to be earned.  Friend, it DOES NOT.  It never did.  My parents prayed for me for years when I was a child.  Because I was so rebellious in attitude.  I know that at 14 years of age the prayer I made to ask Christ come into my heart was so natural and EFFORTLESS it had to be VALID!

Reader, as time goes on I hope my life magnifies this message.  I fall short and unfortunately, there will be times it may not.  But, I absolutely want you to hold me accountable.  More importantly, I want you to know He (Christ) will never let you down.  He is perfect in every way, even as his followers (true ones, not false ones) try but fail at times.

Since 1990 I've grown in my faith. I've suffered tremendous pain (accepting Christ does not shield you from the world, he just gives you a rock to lean upon). I've seen Him do some amazing faith building things in my life. In all of this it has been a journey worth starting.

*For anyone needing clarity concerning Christianity and faith in Christ - Timothy Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian and his churches across America (Headquarters in NYC) is an excellent start who tailors the message of Christ in a modernistic way that is understandable to our generation. I encourage you to download his podcast, sermons, read his teachings and visit his church in NYC or their affiliates across America. I also encourage you to go to a bible believing church and get counsel from a trusted pastor who lives a Godly lifestyle. Happy Easter!

Much Love In His Blood,

Your Both Failing, Yet Conquering Friend All In One


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