Friday, April 19, 2019


You came forth now after your child

This hill you claimed to get to me

This role you dream of is something I will not be

So, I’m enough of a man to be a substitute father 

No, you would have told me in chances before 

As I bare knuckled rasped youthful essence’s door. 

Conceit’s lock told me not to bother 

I’m saying goodbye when you’ll have me now as a surrogate 

Of a feeling, I’m destined for better will never abate.

Work about that classic but uncommon situation a grown man can find himself in if he attempts to marry later in life. Those same women who may not have wanted him as a spouse and a biological father of their children now are coming at him from all directions wanting a part of who he is. They want him now, to help raise a family that really is not his. If he is of healthy self esteem he either wants children of his own with her, or wants someone who shares his vision for parenthood. He also will start with someone who never wants children. All 3 options are life giving with one being deplorable.  In love he knows he cannot ask her to do something to her body and against her will she does not want to. So in order to keep his masculinity intact he must tell her no because he sees someone who wants to use him as a substitute. Although, she may have matured and really cares about him, subconsciously she regards him as a stand in. In this short drama of poetic script he walks away from her and either seeks a woman who wants the same goals he does in starting a family or he looks for a woman who has never had children and decides she never wants them. Because in the end this is live giving to him as well.  He knows that if he cannot have a family at least he has a partner who can go through the uniqueness of the situation with him. He has rejected emasculation for life giving manhood. In a twist of irony he has rejected the type of woman who may have rejected him in more the superfluous years of their youth. He is to be rewarded with a much more higher calling so he travels away to something more rare to find but with a better payoff.

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