Friday, December 21, 2018

Finding The Purpose In CHRISTmas

If you look up the word Christian in the dictionary, let me know because I never have.  I know this, in our day there are so many people out there claiming they are "Christian" but they act like the worst types of people alive.  I guess it has always been that way.  There are those who are fake.  I guess any social group or construct has it.  I am writing this morning as an apology!

We who call ourselves "Christian" have not done a good job of living up to the value tree we promote.  As a matter of fact, there are so many people in the modern day church who are: condescending, unpleasant, superficial, judgemental, unfriendly, unkind, socially awkward, passive-aggressive, unforgiving, arrogant, dishonest and just emotionally unattractive to be around.  Don't get me started on all of those people who think you have to be a conservative Republican in order to be "right with God" who are so prevalent here in the deep South. Oh, the stories I could share with you over the past two decades being around "Christians."  My mom, being the perpetual teenager concerning news about my personal life would make a statement like, "so you had a date over in Atlanta the other night.  Was she a christian?"  My response was:  "I certainly hope not!"

All kidding aside, I know those of you out there who may be a secularist, humanist, Hinduist or whateverist have a very good reason to reject Christianity.  I don't blame you.  Sometimes when I am around those false people who call themselves "christian," believe me I feel like doing the same thing.  But, I want you to know this.  (1) There are a few truly Christian men and women out there who are not crazy kooks and who actually are a fantastic example of Christ...........(moving point #2 aside by itself because it is just so DARN important)

(2) Christ is absolutely real.  He is not some character in a history book or even the just bible, who does not seem alive.  He definitely does not have an H as a middle name and is much more significant than being used as a swear word.  He is the only founder of a form of worship (I use this instead of religion because I don't like the word, it seems too vague and not dynamic) who died and rose again.  He did so with a purpose.  Sure, everyone reading this now or who has ever been conceived in a womb is a product of an intimate moment their parents had some time before.  But, Christ/God loves you so much He intimately made you from the very moment of conception, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS EVER LIVED OR WHO HAS LIVED ONLY TO DIE IN THE WOMB.  Your hair, eye and skin tone and color were specifically designed by Him.  Even your personality and gifts were made by Him.  All those hundreds of ancestors you had, He specifically took specific DNA from them and made you with it, with you uniquely in mind alone.   WOW! Now, that is an example of someone who loves you and desires to be intimate with you.  All you have to do is believe He died for you to heal every hurt, hangup or loss you have ever experienced and name Him Lord or your life. I still struggle with this by the way. 

So my challenge for you is to look past Christianity, Christians and just look at Christ during this time of year, and really every day of the year.  Definitely don't look at me.  Sure, hold me accountable to living out my beliefs. We as Christians are suppose to do that and deserve criticism when we don't. I want Christ to be attractive to you.  But, don't see me as a perfect example of Him.  I WILL FAIL!  But, He never will!  

Back about ten years ago I was into Anne Hathaway movies because I thought she was absolutely adorable.  When you turn on the t.v. you usually see the remake of Get Smart or The Devil Wears Prada.  Being smitten by Anne I would put down the remote and take them in each time one or the other came across my small screen.  There is a scene in The Devil Wears Prada where Anne's character (Andi), nervous and hectic is called back to Miranda Priestly's office (played by Meryl Streep) and is expecting a long laundry list of things to write down and get ready to perform all through her stressed filled day.  She surprisingly hears Miranda run over a short and easy list and say quietly and with a weak directive:  That's all!

With me also - THAT'S AL

Merry Christmas and remember the reason for the season. 


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