Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"Ole Lloyd Miller" 'Southern Swindler's Symposium Chronicals

Lloyd was articulate 
Common decency was a toy to play with and circumvent 

Headmaster was his title
He felt like college test scores were his reputation and it's survival

Life would conspire to have his son
Sharing school door halls with him

A boy of languid study, distractions of the extra curricular he'd never shun
He could be found on most afternoons running lose in the gym

Lloyd took liberties with the boy's abilities 
When it came time for the numbers to add up

College came calling, as did the school board, making a principal look silly
A week later, ole Lloyd Miller cleaned out his desk save for a coffee cup

For he was found to be a cheat, his son incredibly a diploma he finally earned
Lloyd Miller was left teaching seventh graders two blocks over with termination papers.......

................HE MOST LIKELY BURNED!

*Piece about a teacher I had in 7th grade in the Gadsden City School system who had once been the principal at the premier high school in our city.  He was fired years before for cooking the books concerning his son's grades and test scores, when his son was a student at the high school he oversaw.   For the life of me I don't know how he even got a job as a 7th grade English Lit teacher but he did.  Yes, he was even a contrite prick as a teacher even after having fallen so far down the educational food chain.  You could tell by his lack of tact and character that those stories of what he had done had to be true.

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